Biophilia & Feng-Shui for Holistic Interior Design  


Feng- Shui was developed over millennia through close observation of nature.
Many cultures developed similar systems. Vastu-Shastra in India and Sache Geomancy in Tibet have much in common with Feng- Shui. Western  Geomancy has also been practiced for centuries and many churches  have been build on sacred sites, often right over pagan temples.
The goal of Feng-Shut is is to harness Chi live force energy and balance Chi flow to benefit the inhabitant.

The ancient art of Feng-Shui and its contemporary sister Biophilia are both at their core about living in harmony with the natural environment around us. A healthy ecosystem is of utmost importance for selecting land and sustainability is a core value when building or renovating.


Biophilia has developed to address the challenges
of our time including the excessive use of technology. People have an innate desire to connect with nature, we are designed to live in natural environments. Contemporary living and work spaces are often better suited to robots rather than living beings.

Using colors like white and grey predominantly can feel cold. The excessive use of materials such as concrete, steel and glass as it is often used in office buildings does not feel comforting. The remedy is to add Biophilic design elements.

Your home is a mirror of your life and can give deep insights into areas that need attention. Living and workspace have an enormous impact on our mind-body health. Infusing spaces with Biophilic and Feng-Shui principles will create vibrant life affirming environments where we can thrive and truly feel at home.


    • Natural colors, patters and biomorphic shapes
    • Human-nature relationship 
    • Light and Space quality
    • Environmental elements, natural material
    • Place based relationship (cultural, spiritual, ecological)


    • Tao- connection to your space
    • 5 Elements (earth, water, fire, wood, metal)
    • Flow of Chi- vital life force energy
    • Bagua- energetic blueprint of a space
    • Yin Yang- balance between 2 opposite

Biophilic Art & Decor

Biomorphic forms, color, texture and patterns found in nature are applied in biophilic design and art. The human-nature relationship is deep within our DNA and it is hardwired into our brain. Repeating natural shapes, color and patterns in our space reduces stress and enhances our overall well-being.

Spiral fractal patterns are repeated throughout the universe

Natural colors and elements such as water and plants have a calming effect. Texture and subtle patterns create visual interest without over-stimulating the eye.

Selecting natural materials such as wood, stone, cotton and wool with minimal processing and as much as possible locally sourced are more sustainable, create a healthy living environment as well as a unique sense of place.

Elke Savala is a Holistic Healer, Artist and
Feng-Shui Consultant.

Client Testimonials

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